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Poetry of Life Poet 


 is a native of New Milford, CT, born on July
11, 1952. He is a practicing lawyer with an office in Wallingford, Connecticut
where he is also a member of the Rotary Club.

A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Connecticut's Honors
Program in 1974, as a political science major magna cum laude, Mr. Wetmore
has an interest in writing, creative, fiction and nonfiction, that he says his
teachers nurtured and encouraged.

In the last 19 years, Wetmore has written approximately 300 poems, a
number of which have appeared in small press journals such as BACK
STROLL OF POETS. The Waterbury Republican American and the Meriden
Record Journal have featured his work in their Sunday editions For St. John's
Episcopal Church in New Milford, Bob created a collection of spiritual poems
entitled "The St. John's Sequence," later incorporated into an anthology for
Trinity Church, Branford called "The Wordsmith Carves in the Tree of Trinity"
in 1992.

The June 1983 edition of THE CONNECTICUT BAR JOURNAL features his historical article "US v. Tapping Reeve: Prosecutions for Seditious Libel in
Connecticut in 1803" He has at various times edited Newsletters and
Magazines in connection with the Connecticut and American Bar Associations,
from 1987-97

In 1998 he served as Potentate of Pyramid Shiners, and remains active
in the promotion of the Shrine Hospitals. He is a member of the Board of
Directors of the Connecticut Burns Care Foundation, and a legal advisor to the
Connecticut Fire Safety Theater non-profit education organization. He is
active as public relations free lancer for these groups.

For inspiration, Wetmore looks to nature, the human condition, the
spiritual life, and his musical background He has said "Poetry is the music of
language and from a booming march or Mozart's clarinet concerto music
heightens the senses to the beat and chords that are always around us." Other
influences are the psycho-spiritual writings of M.Scott Peck,MD and the poetry of Robert Frost, Archibald Mc Leish, Blake,T.S. Eliot,
Byron, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Wallace Stevens and novelists Samuel L.
Clemens, Ernest Hemingway, William Styron and Herman Melville.



When the urban confusion settles on me,

Like a dark, dank cloud of foggy dew,

Escape to the serenity of a farm of happy,

Unrehearsed encounters with rural friends,

Staring at the aftermath of raccoon and bucks,

Doe always there, and the royal rack hidden,

And a pesky skunk annoyed perfumes the air.

When forebears plowed the dark river mud soil,

They piled short castles and walls, marking metes,

Denoting bounds and spatial alignments in perpetuity,

That if I should ever depart my birthplace in years,

Still constant remained place, decrying rude development,

Old signposts unchanged like eternal oaks, and buck tracks.


To Ride Across the Dusky Sky

In moments of dreams, and reams of thought,

One might contemplate a bicycle ride across the sky.

Not unlike the popular alien and his amazed pals,

Seeing the gradual fading of day and sun, on the run,

Patchwork of land, crops, and edifices lay out below,

A view of common respect of wry hawks and eagles,

Who contemplate the quarry and plunge in dives.

Flight in all its forms and variety is lusted after,

By all that would defy the prison of gravity, embrace air,

In the spiritual envelopment of all the Angels, now and to come,

Beyond the effervescent, ever-eternal oases of free.



Running the wild howling river,

Battling intensely against current,

Flying down the flume and flush,

Foam and flurry of rock piercing water,

Sleekly and swiftly the canoe collides,

Bounced, buffeted by push and pull,

Nearly jacked out of my perch,

Bestriding fragile gunwales,

Bound in sheets of birch bark,

Thrice sealed in pine tree pitch,

And down shallow falls, we go

Into the mouth of a placid pool,

Running rivers running gauntlets

Of challenge, risk and chance,

A test of stress, aquatics dance.


Rainbow You Are

Your are my hope, prayer and rainbow,

That multicolor splendor defying

Rain, doubt, anxiety and fear,

Whispering encouragement in my ear,

Supporting mind and spirit, among

Old, young and new: seeking pots of gold,

Manifestations of plenty, healing, and peace,

Kindred companions, serving to please


Muddy Matters

Spring has brought us rain,

Sopping soil and human again,

Making mere walking, jogging

Puddle wonderful, full of sogging.

It's an old Northeast Beast,

Melting piles of winter's best,

Just before the robins rampant

Return to decorate green carpet

And forest's local office branches,

Even as the hibernation marks end,

True to a cycle that will not bend.



Along my path, winding and slow,

Darting gingerly where none would go,

Climbing, challenging gorges deep, wide

Far too much to challenge, tugging tide

And darkness casts a foreboding shadow,

Blinding grief, even the hopes of tomorrow.

For Lady Luck is an elusive suitor, bride;

Strength arises from living springs inside-

When I look to the light, the glow of God;

An unseen, yet bright beacon, lantern of Lord,

Illumining spiritually many hopes and tears,

Overcoming doubts, depression, true fears.

I pace toward the light, embrace its gleam.

For in the hollow of His hand, He shall redeem

And as to the mysterious, unseen destinations,

I shall yet dwell in His home of many mansion.



Circled around the table,

Yielding to our many penitences,

Unforgiving, undone, wronged, disabled

To long to be scribed in sentences,

For this is of Faith and Grace,

Roundly celebrated in time, place:

Where in sharing bread, libation,

We partake of the New Covenant,

The ultimate New Life creation,

And the promise of Heaven's sacrament.



I have sought my soul in earnest,

Overturning old stones in my blind path,

Questioning assumptions, doing self -unction,

And performing mental gymnastics sans limit,

For the answer must have been there, hidden

Among what I could see, touch, and smell

Yet much of the light's spectrum is invisible,

Passing through in waves of electrons, undetected,

Spirit-filled energy, shivering stings, grace.

My soul is not of 3-D structures,

But joy set-free from bonds and chains


Well Measured Word

Words, to be measured, considered with care,

Contemplated how or how little to speak-

Thoughts, mixed with litmus tests of emotion,

For in a fleeting instance, careless expression

Can breach the peace, fabric knit over years-

Families chopped and cut in twain , never

To ever feel together, bound, loving again

And friends lost to a second's infamy, gone

On the cue of words , crudely drawn, cruel.

I will look with favor on premeditated speech

And not plant seeds of soul conflagration,

For impact more than abject honesty,

Is a Godsend to master, achieve solemnity

Choosing words meticulously, in confidence

Giving sensitivity to all human conditions.



Free range, naked, unfettered, like the chicken of equal trait,

Denying the traditional its claimed standards and statute,

Rebelling, yet ethical-centered and pensive,

Destroying every remnant of pompous, popular culture,

Centered on idealism, wisdom, compassion, love

Decrying fraud in intent, induced and factum,

Daring to take off the old and trite trappings,

To marching in singing unison to a blessed site,

Where light rules in glory, darkness hides

And tenders heart flourish, take to wing


Puppy at the Pane

Caught my pup wailing at the window,

Barking up a veritable storm at something,

Not important to me, paramount to she.

Imagined demons, maybe so or tapping,

The North wind blowing away the mortgage

Yet she, constant as light, did this for me-

That matters more than noise and futility-

Loyal is as loyal does, a coward she never was.

So many human promises pale in the making-

A dog will never give me a heart for breaking


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Poetry of Life © 2000-2002