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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Darrell R. K .Risko

How You Supposed To Act? / It's So Wrong

How You Supposed To Act?

We let the things that consume us overwhelm our better judgement.
The rights and the wrongs, who's to say?
The law of nature, we manipulate to suit our desires.
The laws of nature, out of our hands.

Allowing certain things sometimes causes chaos.
Especially in a world of higher plains.
There are some, content to take it.
Then there are others who make it a point to take it...all for gain.

Take a look around, some things can't be helped.
The sound of the wind rustling the leaves; the singing birds in the trees;
The waves crashing the shores; can't touch that, no, can't touch that.

Who are we to make the change? 
What's right is right, what's wrong insane.
Moral effects, strong inner self.
Warped and washed minds...melt.

Man for a long time, self determined.
Covetous, wanting all.
Nothing wrong with that, no don't think so.
Who pays for it this time?

The day will come when it won't matter anyway.
Count it all joy.
Glorified state, that's the only way.
See you then...maybe...hopefully.

by Darrell R.K.Risko

It's So Wrong

That old man is coming back again
here to tear me apart.
That flaming desire that was gone so long ago
has decided to rekindle itself in the most inopportune time.

You know, rapid heart palpitations, sweaty palms,
stumbling on words, the normal oddities that accompany such a situation.
Only thing is, there's a wall separating my conscience from playing out the whole
It's good.

The whole thing comes back just like it was yesterday.
Long drives to nowhere. Conversations about nothing.
Even the long glaring grin and silly giggles.
It's kind of gross.

Beat back that feel good thing.
It's not right, and come to think of it, it doesn't even satisfy the original appetite; really.
Why then allow it to continue?
That's stupid!

What once was, can never really be regained. Not like the first time, no way.
Now, that was the best and because of it, nothing else can equal.
Yes, that has to be it.
That has to be why this old man is pissing me off.

How dare he raise his ugly head again
causing confusion and chaos based solely on emotion.
Huh! What a crock!
Balance, solid in thought and only tangible in emotion.

I have conquered this once again.
I am sure in who I am.
I will go on in happiness.
Then...there's tomorrow.

by Darrell R. K. Risko

by Darrell R. K .Risko

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