Poetry of Life Poet
Poem Submitted by Melissa
Touched by Angels
Touched by angels, you were sent to
this earth, to show those around you,
what life can be worth.
Touched by angels, you gave us many
days full of happiness and love,
in so many ways.
Touched by angels, your spirit was set free,
to go as you wish, to see what you see.
You were an angel among us,
and now you are above.
Still showing others what it means to love.
You were touched by angels,
on the day you were born,
and on the day you left us,
we did tearfully mourn.
Touched by angels, you never
said good-bye, but took care of us all,
from your place in the sky.
Touched by angels, we cannot help
but miss, for the lives that you
touched, would make a long list.
We are thankful to have known you,
and we'll cherish each day
and all the memories you gave to us,
shall never go away, for we were
touched by angels, in the time you
were here, and inside our hearts,
you will always be near.
By Melissia Mullens
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