Poetry of Life Poet
Poems Submitted By Danny Mackey
Why! / Gold Dust / Mother says' / Oklahoma
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Why! Why! Did so many have to die?
Now all we can do is pray and cry
Especially here where we live so free
With tears in my eyes, I can hardly see
God will with his love, and his great might
Lead us into victory in our fight
To kill them, who killed us, it's only
Now these punks, made the United States
They started it, they wanted a war
New York, D.C. Pittsburgh too
I have said many a prayer for you
I know you'll find grace, in Gods arms
You will find healing in his serene love
September Eleventh Two Thousand One
We will never forget,it won't be done
You punks - Who attacked from the sky!
Warning - Look Up - You Are About To Die!
Dedicated to all the folks who lost
loved ones
in this time of sorrow. And to the
police and
to the firemen,and all the volunteers.
God Bless You: Our Lord Saviour:
Has Your Rewards Set Aside. (By Danny Mackey)
Gold Dust !
Here I am in Nashville
It is the first time
for me
In amazement, at the gate I stand
As I stare, at the Home Graceland
Then I felt, the
gripping of a hand
An icy feeling, ran down my spine
And then, my Heart started to pine
Yet a good feeling, crossed my
It felt real nice, and sort of kind
I was all confused I must say
As I felt, his presence that day
A voice in my head, said walk this way
Come with me, for awhile and stay
Come with me, look around
yes you may
Feel free to look at everything
See why, I'm the Rock N Roll King
No one else, was around right then
I was where, no one else had ever bee
This locked Door just opened up wide
This voice said, "my
friend step on inside"
As the lock opened, and fell to the ground
All the time, I heard not A sound
Till the voice said,
"I will show you around "
"You see that Gold Cadillac Car?
I loved that thing, it took me far
Right above it, hangs my first Guitar
Here's my acceptance, to the Hall Of Fame
Rock N Roll, would never be the same"
"Here in the middle of the floor
Sets A Table, and will ever more
On it lies, A Bible and A
pink Rose
So my love, for Mom always shows
And incased in glass A Letter
I asked Mom, are you feeling
"Because She was so heartbroken
And so few words, were ever spoken
When I was Drafted into the Army
I wrote my Mom,
every week you see
Then he said! Friend this is for you to keep
It is so hard, for me not to weep"
"In this special pouch, is some Gold Dust
Make A Wish, for Happiness you must
Because it will, always come true
I was
asked, to bring this to you
It came from Angel Wings above
So you may know, the true meaning
of love"
By Danny Mackey
Mother Says!
There's a dream, I keep
having every now and then
I dream it one Night, and I dream it again
In it I'm just a Kid, my Mother say's to me
"Don't keep your
feelings hid, try to remain happy"
OOOh I am weak! OOOh I am Vain !
At times I can hardly speak, for the Tears and Rain
My Mother said! "That my true Father in Heaven
Will love me for ever, twenty four seven"
I asked! "Do I have two Father's
"She said that's true!
"Your Dad!
And the one, who created life and you"
OOOh I am weak! OOOh I am Vain!
At times I can hardly speak, for the Tears and Rain
My Mother said!" Have Faith in your Father above
You'll know if you do, cause in your Heart, you'll feel love
And my Son, you will always feel so satisfied
Cause he'll guide you through life,
he will be at your side"
OOOh I am weak! OOOh I am Vain!
At times I can hardly speak, for the Tears and Rain
By Danny
He should be enshrined in the hall of fame
Choctaw Chief Allen W Wright he came
And yes! He gave Oklahoma its name
And she is still thought of as the same
She was the forty sixth state in nineteen o seven
We all got our selves apiece of Heaven
Charles N Haskell, the first Governor just before noon
Guthrie became our first capitol A so soon
The first rail road was known as the Katy
It brought work for people like you and me
Also known as the Kansas Texas line
She helped us prosper in ,Coal! Zinc! and Lead mine
Oklahoma you came a long way
I worked your red earth clay
In the wind and dust, at little pay
But I love you anyway
by Danny Mackey
Could See The Greatness
He could see the greatness in any man
He made them famous that was his plan
Beginning with Elvis! "Heart Break
Sam Phillips, I remember him so well
"Go Cat Go" "Blue Sued
Shoes" "Bopping The Blues"
Carl Perkins, made Rock more than just A
He made it more than just A phase
Jerry Lee! He'd play them piano keys
"Great Balls Of Fire" would take
you higher
A favorite of mine, "I Walk The
Bound to be A Country smash ! Johnny Cash!
by Danny Mackey
He Took The Blues To Country
I thought how could it be! Oh such A sight
to see!
And in my life he is, my fondest memory
As he bent over at the mike, His Heart
would sing
And in music, He was the most important
He was heard on the Radio, most every day
And we tuned in, just to hear, what he had
to say
And his music, like "I'm So Lonesome I
could Cry"
It really made you, understand his hurt and
why !
He gave Birth! To the Blues! No other name
will do
He was the first, superstar A legend so
He wrote and acted, out his life for all to
As if he meant to warn us, how hard love
can be
He sang all about, his heartache! hurt!
pain! and striff
Each song he sang, was A chapter in his
short life
Yes! He had his ups and downs, maybe more
than most
Some people who saw him, said he looked
like A GHOST
by Danny Mackey
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