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Poetry of Life Poet

Poem Submitted by Lynn Siler

The Year 2000-The Year I grew up / Getting Out 

The Year 2000 - The Year I grew up.

This is the year I grew up.
The year I gave up my childhood,
the time for letting go.
The moment I put my youth at rest,
and what my future holds, no one knows.

The growth I longed for was coming,
and I grasp at success at last.
God only knows what the future holds.
But its time to put the past in the past.
No one will do it for you though
each person is the one that's responsible 
for making their life a success.

All I can tell you is once you decide
you are ready for your life to begin.
Then you know  you can change,
and if I can change, anyone can,
and that's a definite fact.  

By Lynn Siler

Getting Out

Getting out of here seems to me
Should be quite easy.
They should have learned by now
That this is something I have to do.

I've always been one to shine and succeed
With anything I do.
I go after what is within my reach
And when things get difficult
I always follow through.

I think I need to get on with my life
And one day I will.
It's important to me to know that I can,
but somehow things aren't going as planned.

I have to have faith
In the Great God above us,
That this bad luck won't last.
Somehow, someway, let me out,
So I can put away the past!!!

 By Lynn Siler 

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