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Poetry of Life Poet

Poem Submitted by SuAnne Sexton

Poetry of Life and Hope


The combination of two
entwined in body and mind.
The awaken intensity
flow rampant.
The thought, the want,
the need, engulfed in
two bodies and two minds
and one desire.



What do you do when
life makes a wrong turn?
Do you go down the winding
road of the unknown?
Hoping to see a Familiar 
sign. One telling you,
"this is the way,"
and further and further
down this road you go,
you wonder, why?
Why did I take this
lonesome road?
Then out of the dark,
you see, the crossroads,
the turning point
in life! Then at
that moment, you are
not lost, but just took
a small detour, in the 
long journey of life.


Don't Give Up

When you run into a roadblock
 do not quit,  for they are not
barriers, but minor obstacles,
 which will later down the road
 will look very insufficient,
but have played a part
of where you have gone
and where you are to be.



The struggle is never ending
you want to quit,
but you just go on
you don't no how or why'
but you just go on
because if you were to quit,
you don't go on.


Tunes In Your Head

Dance with the moment,
listen to your thoughts.
Collect the melody,
play it over and over in your head.
Spin the words, change the lyrics,
Fast Forward it, reverse it,
slow it down, speed it up.
But please, don't
change the channel

By SuAnne Sexton

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