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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Doug Knight

God's Love / As Life Goes

God's Love . . .

Along the winding road we all travel
to a place near yet so far
Within our hearts you dwelleth
amongst the farthest star . . . 

Our hopes and dreams
you inspire
To give to us all that we should receive
in child-like wonder we
cherish, all that remains to be seen . . .

In good times and bad we reach for thee
forever your love will grow
Restoring the world to its goodness
When most of the world's faith seems low . . .

To much I owe you everything
as a best friend of mine you are
A big hug I give just for you
from your smallest and most thankful star!

Your love can transform the world
into a place full of hope and peace
Love will always outweigh all evil
For it is you we will always beseech . . . 

by Doug Knight

As Life Goes

Life remains mystical yet comical
It is a gift that has endured all time

Life never stops growing amongst the stars
It is a story to be told through rythm

Life aches to be heard in our deepest hour
It is a chance we have yet to take

Life stands on its own merit in front of truth
It is a leader of faith not hate

Life balances the equation of good and bad
It is a portal for all that we know

Life brings to our mind's and heart's an astonishing fate
It is never to old or too bold

Life is difficult for many and easy for few
It is a test we all have to take

Life never judges or ridicules
It simply puts you in your place

Life knows all and is all
It is in God's hands we sometimes forget

Life is an instrument through which God's love flows
It is His companion and ever loving mate

by Doug Knight :)

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