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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Lisa Gordon



Every night I ie awake and all I can seem to think of is you,
But my darling I must know, is this feeling true?

I dream of kissing your soft lips as I hold you in my arms,
I want you to know that with you, I feel no harm.

The words I could express how I feel would never amount to what you mean to me, Just know that with every vision I have of you, it makes me very happy.

If I could leave this place today and take you with me, I'd show you Heaven's whitest trees, I'd hold your hand and guide you the way, and there we'd be joined for eternity.

I promise our souls would be as one, as we live our lives together, And when I make this promise, please know this promise is forever.

So hold me now and never let go and I promise we'll live our lives full of love, Because the first time we had found each other, I knew you were sent here on Earth from up above.

Name: Lisa Gordon

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