Poetry of Life Poet
Poems Submitted by Pamela Eskridge
Did She Know /Why Are We Treated So Different
Did She Know
Did she know I loved her so?
I never thought she would be the first to go.
Loving her soft touch, her warm embrace.
Loving her smile that always appeared on her face.
It never mattered where or when.
You were there thru good and bad, thick or thin.
Her hugs and kisses time will not erase.
No one else could ever take her place.
I know now you were teaching me.
The person you knew I could be.
Over the years you taught me to stand strong.
Even to admit when I was wrong.
When dealing with all of my fears.
You were the one who would wipe my tears.
Oh what wonderful years we did share.
I hope you knew how much I did care
Why Are We Treated So Different
We have feelings just as you.
We have families, friends, and some of us have children just as all the rest
of you.
We have also attended schools as much, it's the golden rule. We to have
learned a trade as many of you, so we too would have a place just as all the
rest of you.
We call the human race.
All others have always found or had a place called home for all the human
Every other race has a place.
We are the minority that no one wants to face.
Yet we of all have so many different faces.
We are one of all colors and races.
But we have very few places.
Yet we are still pushed to the side, everyone wishing we would give up and
step aside.
Better yet go back inside.
We have been laughed at by all at every chance you may.
If only to change our rolls for just one day.
You of all would gladly say how wrong we've been.
To try to decide the fate for all of them.
If only we had seen all the pain we put them in.
For just one look should have been all it took.
by Pamela Eskridge
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