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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Janet Corkerin

" A Moment in Time" / Dreams of a Child

" A Moment in Time "

On a warm summer's eve
As darkness closes its' day
Come hither and listen
To a haunting melody play
The wind sings a song
Trees rustle and sway

The forest comes alive
Enchantment abounds
Moonbeams follow
Fairies dance all around
Sweet notes fill the air
Come close if you dare
Petals sprinkled with dewdrops
Their shimmering leaves
A fragrance of flowers
Adrift on nights' breeze

No thought of  tomorrow
Or memories past
Captured moments are spent
As if each were their last
A symphony plays
To caress a new day
As dawn arrives
They scurry away

 written by "Janet Corkerin"

 "Dreams of a Child"

Tiny heads slowly nod and slip into slumber
Carried away to a place full of wonder
Where dreams can come true
"Never-Never Land exist only for you"

Clouds of cotton candy drift slowly by
Gumdrops sprinkle like rain from the sky
Lollipops dangle from branches of trees
As marshmallows float a river of chocolate with ease

Off in the distance, a wonderful sight
A meadow so beautiful and bright
Honeybees gather sweet nectar from flowers
While lazy butterflies flit away the hours

Over the hill, look close, you will see
Bambi napping under the ole' oak tree
Mother Goose with goslings falling behind
Happily lingering in the warm sunshine

On down the road, a family of Elves
Busily working away
Toy boats to float, pretty dolls to wink
My oh my! Whataya think
Trains swiftly run, all around the track
Smoke just "a puffin" from their tiny little stack

Such are the dreams of a child
Waking once more to a carefree day
Full of excitement, laughter and play
Waiting for the moment Mr. Sandman arrives
To sprinkle his dust in little eyes
And return once again to that land full of wonder
Where dreams can come true
"Never-Never Land exist only for you"

Written by "Janet Corkerin"

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