Poetry of Life Poet
Poems Submitted by Virginia Lee Collom
Poems about a friend, my
family, and their life.
A Life Not Chosen
At the age of six a special day, her birthday
Would alter her life for many years, day by day
An explosion of gasoline, totally consumed by fire
This little girl clung to life, doctors saying she would expire
Day and night her Mother never left her side
Gripped with fear decisions to make, having to decide
Month after month the battle for her life grew easier
But a new battle would she face, one even harder
Drugs to control the pain were a must, aimed to ease
Leaving her to live a life addicted to drugs, a horrible disease
As a child she described the shots as the drug to make her float
Innocent to the effects of this, to young to take note
One battle was traded for another, no way for her to win
Now addicted to drugs, no way to know this would begin
For years she tried to over come her addiction to no avail
Seeking treatment and counseling only both to fail
Today this battle she fights no more, clean and sober
A battle spawned from another, for her is finally over
Virginia Lee Collom
As The Gates Clang
As the gates clang, my heart begins to race
Now trapped inside, no way out of this horrible place
Point to point I go having to prove who I am
Unknown hands roaming over my body, searching again
Feeling violated, nothing I can do but let this be
This protocol I must follow, close to losing my identity
I enter a room loud with conversation, end to end
Scanning about, looking for the one with whom time I'll spend
A hush seems to cover the noise as I approach my son
With sweating palms and weakened knees, I want to run
His tall thin frame looks even smaller than the time before
A heartache I can't describe slices at my hearts core
Our embrace is like an eternity, not wanting to let go
The hours pass with such speed, only adding to my woe
Embracing again, this time to say good bye, our time is at an end
The clanging of the gates is heard as on another journey I descend
by Virginia Lee Collom
Victory Thru Tragedy
A typical day nothing unusual just like any
Would prove to change the lives of so many
The squealing of breaks, broken glass, her car entangled
Thru no fault of her own, trapped inside, a body mangled
Broken bones piercing the skin, her face red with blood
She lay in silence, most likely praying to her Lord above
Surgery after surgery the doctors tried to make her whole
The days became months, she fought heart and soul
She grew weary finally giving in, to Heaven she went
So senseless a reason, not a disease but a car accident
Worldly goods were no more, but for these she did not care
Living a life walking with her Lord, a union so rare
She traded all she had for a seat next to her Heavenly Father
It's been almost two years now, oh how I still miss her
by Virginia Lee Collom
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