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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Chanter21 (Omar Irizarry)

Hope Poem

 This is a poem dedicated to what my feelings of hope and faith are:

Hope Poem

Life is short, sweet, and painful,
it is full of dreams and nightmares.
All the time people wish for something,
something they want or need.
Hope is all that we have that can be true,
it can't say no, it is ours.
Faith is something we have,
faith is something we need to have.
I used to believe that hope and faith were always there for me,
and that if I had enough hope and faith in something, it would happen.
But I was wrong, all the hope and faith in the world is here,
but I can't reach it, it is not meant for me.
Hope and Faith is all what we have,
but it can't make things work for us.
I believed in hope and faith,
but it did not believe in me.
So hope and faith turned against me,
and now I will never know what it truely is,
but than again, there is always hope!


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