Poetry of Life Poet
Poems Submitted by Max
-I wish it was a love song
for the lovers, broken hearted,
the rejected, and who don't believe in it
-but this is just for YOU
the girl that I met
about 2 years ago
-you were the girl
that sat next to me
passing notes
passing smiles
asking this
asking that
-YOU sent me to bliss
with a small little kiss
-and with it
a small consequence worse than a life time
it went so deep inside
that I couldn't believe
I had fallen in love
but that kiss sure prove I was right
-I tried and I tried
I denied and I denied the truth about
these feelings
closing my eyes
drifting inside
haven't YOU got a clue
I can not get over YOU
-Once in a while
you come to my dreams
asking for help
or asking for me?
-every dream
has a new story
though not self explanatory
feeling your touch
feeling your love
feeling in heaven
-if I wake up
I go back to sleep
and as if we had paused
we continue playing inside of my head
you'll be the queen and I'll be the king
-it's strange how it works
but like it or not
we are bonded some how
no matter how far
no matter how close
your heart speaks to mine
and lingers in limbo
-you know I want to feel you
I know you want to feel me
so why can't you see
that what you wanted me to do
goes against my principles
-I believed all that you told
then you left me hanging out so cold!
only in dreams you won't think that you
know the way I feel
only in dreams you won't think that you
feel the way I do
only in dreams
-I'm not the man I used to be
I'm all zonked and beckoning for you
-crumble in a mist full of deceptions
pummeling me with no way to quell
nor retrace in my own muffling way
-you granted me 3 birthday wishes
which I haven't used yet
but if my yen required the 3 of them just
to accomplished my silly desire
I would crave one simple day with you
-just you and me
from the first sign of dawn
to the last sign of dusk
forgetting my jinx
with the talisman that you searched for me
and that I kiss every time
I'm alone at night
with scary thoughts
-but now that's over
I'm frail and cussing your monotonous
with feelings you tell me you had
feelings I never saw
maybe and mainly because they were behind
all those
loving words about your b-f
-once you asked me, "am I or am I not
in your eyes"?
"what do you see in me"?
"what do you like about me"?
"why did you broke up with your last
g-f and for how long was your longest relationship"?
I once answered all your questions, but if
you ever ask me again
I'll answer that I've been disenchanted
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