Poetry of Life Poet
Poems Submitted by Cynthia Bryant
Fears of a Child / The World
for Now
Fears of a Child
Close my eyes tight at night
Because I am afraid
Hiding in my blanket
Waiting for the day
Shadows from the moonlight
Makes creatures on my wall
Is there something in here?
Or is it nothing at all
The monster in my closet
Might get a hold of me
If not that then the thing under my bed that I just cannot see
The day light finally
Cast its beam through my window shade
I made it through another night
Of being all afraid
Now to the mall with mom
To the stores to Shoppe and see
I hope she doesn’t leave me there
Cause what would be of me
Cannot talk to strangers
Cause hurtful things they do
Like touch me where it’s wrong
Or beat me black and blue
But what I'm most afraid
Is doing something wrong
Then mommy would not love me
And wish that I where gone.
September 13, 2000
Cynthia Bryant
The World for Now.
Tonight’s the night
When stars shine bright
The moon hanging by a thread
The wind gently speaking
Though nothing is being said
As stars fade from the night
The lights begin to shine
Rising from the earths core
Its warmth is very kind
The winds gentle breezes
Whistle through the trees
Flowers bursting with blooms
Humming with their bees
While the oceans waves are crashing
Against the sparkling sand
Seagulls gracefully gliding
All because they can
Forever the still mountains
With their tree, peaks and waterfalls
All this land is beautiful
I thank God for creating it all
With the earth below my feet
And the sky above my head
What wondrous things created.
Man’s carelessness will soon make dead
September 13, 2000
by Cynthia Bryant
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