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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Trevor Steadman   

Never Fold


Never Fold


Crash into the ocean

Fall from the sky 

Let temptations go 

And just let life flow


Break desperation’s heart

Win the love of courage and self-esteem

Crave for the fight of a lifetime

While committing a horrendous crime


Throw denial in the trash

Flush stress down the toilet

Burn distractions in the fireplace

All in the middle of a punch in the face


Challenge challenge to a duel

Steal anticipation’s goal medal

Withdraw a truce with conformity

And live life without a sense of harmony


Lose reality down the drain

Crash into insight at an intersection

Make dreams your best friend

And watch for morals at the end


Fall from the tree of laughter

Shake the hand of a smile

Mix up illusions and frustration in a bowl

And toss out the facts of life that toll


Peace beneath the wishing tree

Love in the garden of ecstasy

Breathe in the good intentions

But watch out for those temptations


Life is lived now

Death is another day ahead

Satisfaction is the only goal

But never put a hand down and fold

by Trevor Steadman 

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