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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Schanna


What it is to merely exist. To walk, to run. even to skip. Yet to her I do
not exist. I am a haunting, a bad memory from her past. I watch her actions
from afar. Her cruelty, her kindness. Yet I see not and I sense not her
weaknesses. Though to her I am merely a phantom, I too live and breathe, but
alas, she does not recognize. She does not recognize the pain her ignorance
brings me. I look at her with my eyes and speak. I AM A HUMAN!!! I DO
EXISTS!!! Yet, she peers beyond me, never acknowledging my presence. Soon, I
too loose myself. My reality, my being, my existence. I am exactly what she
wished me to be, nothing more then a phantom.

by Schanna

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