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Poetry of Life Poet 

Poems Submitted by  Michelle Odemwingie



Looking back on the things we've come through
Looking back on what has past
I never thought we could make it
I never thought this love would last
I asked the lord to help us
I remember praying each day
He said, "My child your love is strong
So I just have to make a way."
They say a bird and a fish can fall in love
But where will they find a place to live?
They don't know love is all I got right now
And that love is all I can give
So Lord please give me wings
So I can learn to fly
To venture up one glorious day
And meet my honey in the sky
I’ll meet you up in heaven
Where we will be together at last
We are only looking ahead now
Never looking back at the past
I’m taking a step on faith
I’m leaping off this cliff
With God’s great arms and these great wings
I know they will help my spirit will lift

Michelle Odemwingie

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