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Poetry of Life Poet 

Poems Submitted by Brandi O'Connor

Grey Skies - My Friend

Grey Skies

The grass is black and the sky is gray
I guess it will be just another day
A day when I don't want to live
Another day when I just don't give
Why should I care what you think
You think I'm weird because I like black and not pink
All you people try to be the same
And if you ask me
That's just lame
I am different from you all
My soul is higher...Now I'll watch it fall
You killed my best friend
You took him away
Soon it will be your turn
And your skies will be gray...
My Friend

Into my skin it goes again
This razor is my only friend

As I walk
The day goes on
But my life and
soul is already gone

The scars are there for all to see
They call me weird and they call me a freak
What they don't see
Is that this isn't me

I died along time ago with the first cut
A broken CD case did the job right
I did it right after a fight.
I didn't know what to do or what to say.
See blood and feeling pain
Was the only way

People ask why I do this to myself
I tell them
All the pain in my life I can't control...
And cutting I can
And I won't let it go.

Brandi O'Connor

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