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Poetry of Life Poet 

Poems Submitted by Jessica Nolan

Death of a Friend - Standing by the Tree


Death of a Friend

One day your here, but tomorrow your not
You had so many dreams, that now are forgot

I will always remember you, hope that you'll remember me too
So maybe together, we can make those dreams come true

You've been my friend, for the longest time
It'll be hard to let you go, get out of my mind

At the place, where I cried
It's all because of you
You're the one who died

Standing by the Tree

I drove by your house today
and all that I could see
was the for sale sign you said was there
standing by the tree

You left for school one morning
the day was bitter and cold
and when you came home to see
the sign by the tree said sold

You called me when you walked in
and told me what it said
I talked and cried all night with you
until you went to bed

The day you moved you said good-bye
while staring straight at me
we looked at the sign one more time
standing by the tree

Jessica Nolan

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