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Poetry of Life Poet 

Poems Submitted by Jason Moehlmann



The knife in my heart
Is self afflicted.
I want a new start
But I have been convicted.

I'm guilty of greed
And hurting her,
Done with my deeds
And things said in a blur.

She's now far away,
Far, far from here,
And there she will stay
For eternity I fear.

I now stand alone,
Weeping in my sorrow.
My chance was blown
And I'm afraid of tomorrow.

It wasn't meant to be
The people all say.
I feel it was my destiny,
And I threw it away.

I fall to my knees,
And pray to Jesus.
Please hear my pleas,
And come and free us.

I stand-alone in my cell,
Crying over things I've lost.
I've created my own hell,
And I'm paying the cost.

I drove her away,
I threw that first stone.
And now I must pay,
By being alone.

Jason Moehlmann

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