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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Heather McQuown 

 Afraid to Love / The Waters Edge

 Afraid to Love

Been in love many times before
Scared to fall in love again
Don't want to get my heart broken
In to a million pieces
Afraid to fall in love
For I don't know how much time I have left
I can't bare to fall in love 
With the one I know that's right
I don't want to leave her behind 
That just wouldn't be kind
Even though I'm so scared 
I wish to find that special someone
To hold my hand when the pain becomes too great
~For Bill <><

When You Come Undone
I want to hold you in my arms 
And feel your breath on my face
I want to feel loved like never before
For you are the one that I adore
When you come undone may it be 
To my arms that you run
I will hold you tight
And tell you it will be all right
I will wipe away your tears
And chase away all of your fears 
As we walk side by side
With God as our guide
My love for you grows deeper
Deep into the depths of my soul
My love grows stronger with every
Beat of my heart
I don't want to ever part
When you come undone
I am here
I will hold your hand 
To help you stand 
I will catch you when you fall
All you have to do is call
May it be to my arms that you run
For they will always be open when you come undone

The Waters Edge

Dreamin' a little dream
Walking along the waters edge
With the water hitting my feet
The coolness of the water refreshes my soul
Hand in hand 
We walk side by side
Walking along the waters edge
As you look into my eyes my heart begins to pound
Like the waves that crash against the rocks
I can't catch my breath
You hold me tight in your arms 
This is where I feel safe and secure
The wind begins to blow like the way you whisper in my ear
Soft and warm
Your cheek lightly brushes mine
When I'm with you
I lose all sense of time 
You love me for me
You see the beauty that lies within me
Oh how I wish this was true
That someone would love me like you do
This picture I have in my head
Is how love can really be
But for now I'll keep dreamin' this little dream

Heather McQuown 

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