Poetry of Life Poet
Poems Submitted by Jonathan
If Only / Leaves once green
now lie, If only our love could have matured
If Only!
Autumn’s command to
In sleepy tone is heard,
“It’s time to
prepare for winter
Before its icy
disposition stirs.”
There are animals that
take to shelter,
To hibernate through
harsher months;
Having fattened on
summer’s fruit
They’re now ready for
a leaner time.
Leaves once green now
As cloth discarded to
forest floor;
With their naturally
printed colours,
Shades of yellow,
orange, gold;
Shades so vibrant,
beautiful, lush:
Nevertheless, they’re
in decay.
Yet, upon deceptively
barren trees,
Are the buds reserved
for spring.
If only our love could
have matured
To see us through the
unforgiving times,
But winters grip did cut
no grace
And withered our once
fleshy hearts.
If only, if only, if
only, if only
I had learnt nature’s
lesson well,
But I know, time has
past, for our union now.
Farewell my love, I wish
you well!
October 2000, jonmcmã
by Jonathan
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