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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Cindy McCann

 "Dreams are Only Unreal to Those Who Choose Not to Believe..
"Lost in Love... or Lust???"

 "Dreams are Only Unreal to Those Who Choose Not to Believe..."

She was just eighteen,
She had a light in her eyes.
A life of her own
Was a dream in the skies.

With everything a girl could want,
Something was missing.
She didn't know what.

She hoped and she dreamed
Of a life of her own.
Independence and Freedom,
She had never known.

Reaching for the stars at night,
She cried, She tried,
With all her might.

No one understood her needs.
No one understood her fright.

To everyone else,
Her dreams were unreal.
She kept them alive,
And alive they are still.

Away from the crowd,
She always would walk.
Head up high,
The others would gawk.

She never felt alone.
The Lord was by her side.
Leading her down His lit path,
In Him she could confide.

Days passed,
Months went by.
Year after year
began to fly by.

What right did they have
To hold her back?
This was her life!
Not theirs!
She began to pack.

She walked out that door,
Without looking back.
She didn't need that negativity,
She didn't need that!

No one believed in this
Young girl.
She had to dance her dance,
Give her life a whirl.

Her wings spread wide,
Like the smile on her face.
The feelings she had only dreamed of
Were falling into place.

This life she had dreamed,
Was now coming true.
Wide open spaces,
The sky so blue.

Breathe after breathe,
She ran through the hills.
Then fell to her knees,
Eyes full of tears.

Hand in hand,
She began to pray,
Thanking God for this gift
Of a wonderful day.

So many dreams are dreamt
Each and every day,
But with everyone's opinions,
We put them away.

Live your dream!
Run your life!
Spread your wings!
And believe you can!

For, if you don't,
Time will pass.
You will grow old
And regret your past.
by: Cindy McCann

"Lost in Love... or Lust???"

Lying lifeless, limp, and lost,
All by myself, wondering ifs...

Will I find my prince?
Will he be riding high upon a white stallion?
Searching for me, here and there?
Yearning to find his one and only love?

At once I feel his touch.
A shock of energy shoots through me.
Is he really the one or am I in lust?
I don't know which of my feelings to trust.

The electricity travels throughout my torso
Til it reaches the tips of my every limb.
With every touch this current reoccurs,
Shocking me like before.
Does it happen to him?

Every thought is lost,
Every worry forgotten.
I am totally dependent on his touch.

His lips touch my neck,
Gently he moves on.
His hands on my breasts,
His breath next to mine.

A thought passes through me
As I wonder why?
Why am I the chosen one?
Does he feel the same as I?

Can I trust this feeling I hold in my heart?
Or am I only lost in a dream?
Am I neive? Is that it?
Falling into a trap?
Reaching for that last bit,
About to be shocked by that painful snap?

Passionately he kisses,
Gently he touches,
As if I am the world,
Afraid to let me go.

Is it for real?
Or is it a dream?
I only wonder...
That's all I can do.
For men, I will forever have no clue.
by: Cindy McCann

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