Poetry of Life Poet
Poems Submitted by Marybeth
The One
The One
The Pain lingers in me
walking back and fourth
ticking like a clock.
Just waiting to blow up
And make even stronger
emotions come out.
I wilt down
Thinking why, why, why.
Why does this happen to me,
that you shold be taken away from me.
I just can't stand being alone
I just can't stand not taking you in
I just can't stand knowing...
That we didn't try.
Friends keep telling me
to get over you
Get on with your life
He's just a crush.
But i know that you were more.
More then a friend.
More then a crush .
More that a person.
You were the love of my life.
The one lover i will not for get.
Written by; Marybeth
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