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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Brenda Y. Marlow


 I am a writer/non-fiction romance, and looking for an agent.


Look at us, just waiting, caring an ax across our shoulders wanting to chop off the head of the next brother or sister who is not like us. That's right brother or sister, because we are all God's children. Although one's skin color may conflict with the texture of one's hair, but why do we care!
Democrats and Republican's, we're all under God's law but abiding within the conformity of our own state of mind,
Not knowing who to trust or which corner to turn, scared of seeing our true shadow and who we tried leaving behind.

Look at us, fighting the war of self-gain, but who gains in the end, the children? No! Although we're suppose to be their protectors but yet we protect the very one thing who deceives us most, ourselves, (at least at time).
We get caught us, wrapped up and embedded in the root of our own modification not realizing the consequences of our transformation and the integrity of our own humiliation.

Look at us, not setting that example for the next generation who looks to us for guidance and answers that will indulge their intellect to expand and explore the world in which we live.
Lost in space, substituted and replaced, with the carnality of our thoughts. Can we give that up or even try to see one another as they truly are, One of God's own? We can't always choose to explore the depths of one's mind by attacking, invading, and assaulting mankind.

Look at us, feeding off the sweat of someone else's desire only to throw it out to sea and watch it drown in the clutches of our own self-indulgence and self-gain. When will we turn around and see that person behind us reaching our for a helping hand hardly able to stand and grabbing hold to the emptiness that's feeding the land? "Cant we all just get along", has been said many times, but do we pay it any mind?

Morality, integrity, and righteousness are what we proclaim, but be honest people, what are we really about? Pushing and shoving each other until there is nothing left. "OH MY GOD, LOOK AT THE PERSON OUT ON THE LEDGE ABOUT TO JUMP,
Is that what we see when we look up? The question should be what do they see when they look down? Is the jump worth leaving the pettiness of mankind, or is it really a jump? Another day, another judgment call, and what have we gained? Are we FREE?

by Brenda Y. Marlow

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