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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Jenevieve M Bruce

Inside People / Untitled

 Inside People

What you see on the outside
is not the real me
You only see what I want you to see.

Nobody ever sees
the inside me
I keep it well hidden
The outside me
is for protecting the inside me.

The inside me is never shown.
It never sees the light of day.

What happens
to the inside people
who are kept
behind the wall
of the outside people?

Do the inside people wither and die
'cause they never see
the sunlight?

What happens to
the outside people
who never get to see
the inside people?

How do the inside people
cope with never being?


fills my soul
never ceasing
A black void
consuming me
making my
life obsolete
A question
I cannot
Maybe never

by Jenevieve M Bruce


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