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Poetry of Life Poet 

Poems Submitted by Meghan Lounsbury

Love of Love - Fame - Now you see inside

Love of Love

You know in those songs when they rhyme with love

The choice of rhyme is usually “above”

But in this poem, I have written you,

It’s from the heart, it’s very true

I don’t know what is wrong with me

But in my mind all I can see

Is us together, is us apart

I see a true love from the heart

But know this now it’s not forbidden

For it is only merely hidden

Please speak to me, please know my word

From you I just want to be heard

So when we speak of a love, above

We don’t even mean a love of love

And learn this now, for it is true

The person that I love is you!


We sit around and watch the tv hoping some day to be famous

Never knowing what would happen or what people would name us

These stars in the movies and music and more

Worked hard to get there and not thankful for sure

People think true happiness comes when your known

What they don't think is why true courage is shown

In interview, papers magazines and such

The cost is your care and your good caring clutch.

Sweet words you will wisper, sweet songs you will sing

But to fame that isn't the one only thing

Just know this now, and take my word

Fame is a word that is always misheard

Fame is not what you want when your weak

Fame is something you give to the meek

Come now, I'm on a journey to hollywood

Where i hope not to be the misunderstood

Brian why die

We loved you so, why did you do it.

Why did you dear have to go through it.

We cherish you, we love you so

Even though sometimes we may not show

Your life was good, better than others

You know you will not live another

In times of need just come to us

It's hard to see but we're just us

Sweet words you said to ease our pain

We'll never hear those words again

Brian, Why die?, your loved so much here

Brian, Why die? We don't need to hear

The words i will not find

The words that shined

Brian, please don't go, why die?

Now you see inside

It's as if I'm not known, truly inside, to anybody but myself

It's always as if I'm the laughing stalk of the whole world

I'm always put aside, I'm always disregarded

I'm always asked for help with nothing in return

Why do these feelings come to me when I've done nothing to deserve them

Is it my uncleanliness? Or how i fail to be perfect

You choose the reason, but I'm sick and tired of all this nonsense

I choose to open up and let my feelings out and you just stand there watching

I've lied so many times you'll never think it's true

I've never had a friend who really understood me

I'm down here with all this power and might laughing at you!

I'm stronger without you, I have a power stronger than yours

So pity me all you want, i'll have nothing to do with it

You feeling so might up there, well now, you can't even control the meek
Now you see inside!

I no longer mask me true feelings towards things

I'll be stronger, soon you'll see!

just you wait, just you see

 by Meghan Lounsbury

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