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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by by E. Lane

Burning - Death of a poet


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The winter wind cuts me to the bone as I stand outside her window, only to lay my eyes upon her face, the face that has burned into my soul with a fire that rages inside me. The unspoken love that I hold for her can not be contained by this mortal body any longer for I feel as if I am being torn 
apart. My despair lye's with just one word, love, a word I long to say to her. Shall I dare utter this word in fear I may be cast away or keep it in my heart and live with never knowing her acceptance. Shall I get on my knees to 
her with my soul in my hand and offer it to her, for without her my soul would not be. I cry to the heavens for the strength to let her know my love is true. I wish her to know that if only I had a choice, to love her for one moment and die or never to love her, I would chose death. Shall I release the world from my dreams that I have made for her and place it at her feet or lock it away only to visit in my sleep. I can not hold this in any longer; I 
must let her know. I see her shadow at the window as she looks out upon the night, my heart is almost at a still as I make myself seen. She opens the window and with a smile that chases the dark from the sky she opens her arms to me.

by E. Lane

Death of a poet

Standing on the edge of my life looking down
I see the emptiness that has brought me here
Wondering what has happened to my past
Blinded by my inner self I see no future ahead
Contemplating if the end would be better
Each day that passes by me my weakness grows
Should the rocks below be my eternal bed?
Shall I defy pain and deny life the pleasure
My body grows numb as I stand here exhausted
All my thoughts have left me weary without trust
I leave my last words to who ever finds them
So this poets life will have not been forgotten
Take not the roads I have chosen in my time
The road will bring you here at the edge of my life
So now as I commit myself to this rocky bed
Do not live the sorrowed life that I have lead

by E. Lane

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