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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Terri Landrum

Ode to Football

 Ode to Football

Oh goody goody, it's football season,
I can do whatever I want, without having a reason.

My dear Husband wouldn't move from that little box,
If I were to come in riding an ox.

I remember the year our triplets came,
He made me hold on til after the game.

There was one time, I tried to tear him away,
By stapling a live chicken to my face.

He jumped up & screamed "He fumbled the ball"
"You stupid ref, that was no call"

He belches & scratches & screams at the set,
While I all alone, rue the day that we met.

What turns a grown man into that kind of boob?
The minute they "Kick Off" on that little tube.

There was one time, when he almost looked,
I set fire to my hair & stood naked & cooked.

But low & behold they made 10 yards,
Realizing defeat, I just threw in my cards.

by Terri Landrum

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