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Poetry of Life Poet 

Poems by Chris Landis

The Return of Magic

The Return of Magic

Phoenix sinks into the fire
Haughty dragons seek their sire
Amoebae play and monkeys howl
Into this world comes a thing most foul
Man arrives and decay is born
From the land Mother Nature is shorn
Buildings tall, of glass and steel
Man has lost the need to feel
He takes things apart, Asks "how," and "why?"
"Why am I not allowed to fly?"
Using the earth and giving back garbage
Leaving the animals nowhere to forage
Then one man says "What's wrong with this age?"
And returns to the old ways, full of rage
Respecting nature. Giving his due.
Leaving Nature naught to rue.
Then another man sees the first one's life
Says "This is good," and tells his wife.
Together they follow the old ways now
And teach their children when, where, and how
The dragons return and see the new day
The Phoenix rises from ashes, gray.

Chris Landis

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