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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Bobby Herrington

Gloomy Night / The Language of Love / First Kiss

 Gloomy Night

As I walk in this gloomy darkness they call night
With only the company of the shadow I cast.
I wonder if you are pondering at the same garish sky,
I wonder if you are feeling the same desolate lonely feeling.
As I look up, I envy the sky.
She possess the best company, the company I could only wish to obtain.
The wondrous stars in all their glory,
The spheres that revolve around the fiery hot sun in a constant rhythm
And the unreachable heavens
Though, they are all grand, they look down upon you in envious spite.

By: Bobby Herrington

The Language of Love

Clouds surround the evening, with no glimmer of light
Than she walks gracefully across the grounds
And a glow erupts from a silhouette,
Immediately sparking my interest
As she walks ever so close,
My whole body tightens in anticipation 
 And the beauty I had imagined in the past is a reality
I spy out her silky tan legs,
Which seemingly have no comparison
Her starry eyes perplex me
 They have the pigment of ocean's depth
But the ocean lacks the vastness and mystery behind them.
She slowly moves within my presence
Than she is so near, I can hear her soft breath depart her and return.
She stares into my eyes for a brief moment,
The greatest I could dare experience.
She suddenly whispers in my ear,
The sediments of her lips pour into my ear
The words aren't clearly spoken
But the message is clearly taken
For she speaks my language,
The language of love.   
                                 By: Bobby Herrington

First Kiss

Two young people stood alone
Waiting for that moment
Each person a standing stone
Waiting for some sort of atonement

Waiting to feel the satisfaction
That of a passionate kiss
Neither wanting to make the first action
To cause this feeling of bliss

Both knowing understanding
For the meaning of partaking
Neither too demanding
In spite of anticipation's aching

In the end their lips finally collide
As they stand and kiss both beaming with pride.
                                By: Bobby Herrington

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