Poetry of Life Poet
Poems Submitted by Joan
G. Harrell
Our Thanksgiving Prayer - Somewhere
- Love
Our Thanksgiving Prayer
We thank thee for this
beautiful spread upon thy table,
We thank thee for this family get- together for those that are able.
We thank thee for the brilliant sunrise.
We thank tee for the birds in the sky.
Please remember the sick.
Even the people here need a memory stick.
We care for those even when we do not know how to show it.
Everyone needs to hug and love another and just chat and sit.
Love makes the world go round
Even when the world feels upside down.
We know this is the key,
For we love thee.
by Joan
G. Harrell
Somewhere out there is a place
Where all that is edible is full of fantastic taste.
Somewhere out there are dreams
Where people and computers make dramatic teams.
Somewhere out in the world of ours
Stress, worries and hope are brought by the hours.
Somewhere out there in the land from afar
There are amazing homes and outrageous cars.
Somewhere out in the medical world on earth
There is hope for future cancer and other diseases of birth.
Somewhere in our imagination there are only pleasant things
Like ice cream. cd's, cellar phones and wedding rings.
Somewhere there is love,
Family ,friends, and beautiful words from God above.
Wouldn't you like to go somewhere too
And everyone there really cares about you!
by Joan
G. Harrell
My life would not be complete without
You are my valentine forever too!
It seems like only yesterday
When we said those famous words together, I do!
It seems like only yesterday
When our son was born. Play, play, play.
Three years later our daughter was born. Hip, hip, hooray!
Now our family is complete
Twenty eight anniversaries, how sweet!
Yes, we have had our troubles,
Just like any other couple
But our love gets us through.
I love you!
We have shared good and bad times.
I would do it all again and again
Until this poem rhymes or ends.
I love you!
This is very true!
by Joan
G. Harrell
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