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Poetry of Life Poet 

Poems Submitted by Esa's Fables

Programmed Dreams of The Future

Programmed Dreams of The Future

What has it all come to for us believing
in the brain trust of the New World Order

Border to border demagogues plot against the mind
waiting to find one good man to calm the storm

Let’s ban the bomb, pray for peace, stop the killing
are you willing to ask the people to pay the price?

… Fame and fortune is the only way to win their hearts …

Some good advice brothers and sisters
don’t wear blisters on your feet
walking the streets to find answers to unholy games

It has been said by the dead among the living
forgive and spread the gospel to this self-inflicted world

Watch as they uncurl from fetal positions for the very last time once again resigned to view programmed dreams of the future

Esa's Fables

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