Poetry of Life Poet
Poems Submitted by
Justin Drake
Forever Friend
Forever Friend
Sometimes in life,
You find a special friend.
Someone who changes your life,
Just by being a part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh,
Until you can't stop.
Someone who makes you believe
That there really is an un-locked door,
Just waiting for you to open it.
This is a Forever Friend.
Your Forever Friend holds your hand,
When you're down,
They tell you that everything will be just fine.
When you're down,
And the whole world seems dark and empty,
Your Forever Friend lifts your spirit,
And makes the dark and empty world,
Suddenly seems bright and full.
Through the hard times,
The sad times,
And the confused times,
Your Forever Friend helps you through them.
If you turn and walk away,
Your Forever Friend will follow you.
If you lose your way,
Your Forever friend helps you find it.
And someone once told me,
If you find suck a friend,
That makes you feel so happy and complete,
You have found a forever friend for life,
And forever never ends.
No matter what ever happens,
Through thick or thin,
You will be my Forever Friend!!!
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