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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by Ashley van Deijl

Legends never die and is told for years

Mousetrap / Stay You

 Legends never die and is told for years
  Uncountable - like people's tears
  Tears of pain, sorrow, hate, and grief
   Forever searching for something to fill their hearts 
   and bring relief
   However, do they ever find what they are looking for?
  Or do they let people walk over them like they were the floor?
  Not all of us have the guts to pursue our wildest dreams
  For once to let people see that all aren't how it seems
  That you always have to put up a face, be calm and silent
  Not letting out a cry, show the pain and ever be violent
  Why does this title ever strike me so?
  To be honest - I don't really know
  I guess I was inspired by the events surrounding this name
  After witnessing these events, I'm definitely not the same
  The fall - does it mean water flowing down a cliff, 
   everlasting and long?
  Or is it the way of life for some - people fall and rise 
   again, making them strong
  I once heard someone said: "We all see, but don't always look"
  Trying to find meaning and comfort -
   things we can't read about in a book
   We ought it to ourselves and have eternal faith 
   and never stop believing
   That life isn't one huge obstacle - 
    that there is a deeper meaning
   It's more a mystery, a challenge and a chance for you to be
  Someone great, someone special and not 
   the obvious people always see
  You must realize that life is beautiful in it's own special way
  Not to see life a living hell, but each morning as a perfect day
  Another chance to make other people happy and smile
  To brighten up their day, even if it's just for a while
  After all, we're not here on earth just to live and then die
  We must be daring, spontaneous, adventurous, 
   tender and even cry
  For we are all human and needn't be perfect in all 
   we do and say
  For we are all important in our own special way
  (I dedicate this poem to anyone that has been hurt 
     and left confused and alone!)
  When I look back now all seems so lost
  I guess you can enjoy life, always at a cost
  That is - loosing what you've always whished for
  Now it's just all an empty wound, raw and sore
  Inside I knew he'd never be mine
  When prosperity was handed out, I was last in line
  Then I realized I'm just not her
  I thought things were great, I was so sure!
  I was not only fooled, but also totally blind
  And am so hurt because I'm left behind
  Now it's dark and I see no light
  And I just should've known my heart was right
  Someone that great, don't love people like me
  With someone that perfect I will never be
  Why isn't there someone to who I can belong?
  Is there something about me that is so terribly wrong?
  The most pathetic thing that is really sad
  Is that I worry about loosing what I never had
  I just wish back the smiles and the laughter
  Not really for a happily ever after
  The thing is; I really liked this guy
  He really meant something to me, for he made me cry
  I guess he was worth all those tears
  For when I was with him, I forgot about all my fears
  He had a magical way to brighten up my darkest day
  All I wanted was just for him to stay
  Now when I look back all is just memories, dreams . . .
  Next time, I must remember, things aren't always what it seems
  (I dedicated this poem to a very good and close friend of mine)
  Every night when I go to bed
   I rehears the things we talked about inside my head
  The reason for this, I don't know why
  That I have feelings for you, I can't deny
  But it's not that of love or that of lust
  It's more of you're the only one I can trust
  I realize time and time again
  Having you in my life is like owning an exquisite gem
  The one thing that I won't be able to bare
  Is if you ever told me you no longer care
  You always have this power to lighten up my darkest day
  No one can explain it; it's just your own special way
  But when I know you're looking at me
  There are a lot of things I don't want you to see
  The fact that I'm sometimes depending on you
  How it happened? I haven't got a clue
  I knew the day would come and it's starting now
  That you will move on and forget about me anyhow
  I guess what I'm trying to say
  You won't understand any way
  But like each day we all have certain things we just have to do
  Mine is not many; mine is simply to have spoken to you

Poems Submitted by Ashley van Deijl

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