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Poetry of Life Poet

Poems Submitted by CaraMia Cipriani

Love of One / Today

 "Love of One"

I have cherished hearts and passages, each lesson I have learned. From sand to stone and wondering, the gifts from wisdom I now hold. I have sacrificed my breathing, serenity, and fate to delude my inner strength. To touch emotion and, taste fire. Learning how to walk again on velvet glass just to wear another women's shoe, the temptation of changing your name and self, without admitting your sins. Lines of memories to cloud your beauty that once you held so dear. Shallow voices from forgotten widow's try to discourage the identity you once had. Nothing, can prepare you for the deception from, the love of one.
~CaraMia Cipriani

I have opened up my mind and I saw all my bitter fears, the broken heart, forgotten dreams, and time wasted through the years. Sitting here feeling sorry for myself and blaming others for my fate, things they have taken for granted, this reflection full of hate. I began to analyze personalities and was filled with disconcert, for it was me I needed to analyze from these people I have learned. Surrounded by laughter in a world of such content, accepting some profound definition to a word, I have not learned yet. I opened up my mind and I realize life's brutal game, I have lived in mere ignorance in fear of saying my own name.
I have opened up my eyes today, and stare at exactly who I should see, a women who has made mistakes in fear of being me.
As I took a moment for myself, a smile crossed my face, for the first time in my entire life, I did not fear I'd lose my place.
Believe in your reflection, counting on yourself is where to start, you will never be able to surpass your fears, if you have not learned to mend your heart.
~CaraMia Cipriani

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