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Poetry of Life Poet 

Poems Submitted by Autumn Bishop


Why am I so curious when we are alone
Why am I so crazy about you is unknown
I think about you all day and dream of you at night
Why do I know this is wrong but yet it feels so right
When your hand touches mine I feel safe and secure
When your lips caress my body I since disgrace because I want more
Why does osculation come so natural when I'm in your arms
Why does laying with you pleasure me and makes me feel unharmed
My heart tells me to stop but my uncontrollable emotions encourage me to stay
When your lips are pressed softly against mine I can't pull away
My affection for you I cannot explain, very tender and perplexed
I wonder what comes over me and what I will do next
Your sweet words and mystery arouse me
while I feel peril with your impact
I am overcome with excitement and exhilaration 
of how our relationship can be so abstract
I am overwhelmed by your affect on my heart, body and soul
For when I am with you I have no Self Control
For so long I've been attached to a habit I couldn't break.
I held your hand all the way, wondering if we were a mistake
I prayed at night that we would last through all the hardships we endured.
I knew that things could work between us, but it seemed you and I were getting bored.
I smiled all day and cried at night for fear of being alone.
I knew we could make things right but felt our love was wrong
We both new this day would come, when you and I would part.
It is now time to say goodbye and break each other's heart.
You were my best friend
The one who knew my secrets, insecurities, and pain.
Now your just a friend
That what I feel for you I can't explain.
I dream of our future together happy, married, and free
but we never know in life whets guaranteed.
You and I were special, I know we're meant to be,
but for now it's complicated we'll have to wait and see.
I'll remember your sweet smell, soft lips and gentle touch
but I'll never forget my love for you and how I miss you so much.

 Autumn Bishop

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