Poetry of Life Poet
Poems Submitted by ANUPAMA
Betrayal / FOR
Every time I close my eyes,
My soul screams and my heart cries,
For I don't want to believe what happened is true,
But it is. I know ,
And it made me move.
Whenever I lift my eyes,
There is nothing to see but, an open road and an
always questioning why.
WHY?..Why it happened to me.
Anything could've happened ,but nothing did,
I felt my heart feel into a bottomless pit.
They said...
When it's love you give ,
Then it's love you live.,
Though it's been a long long time ,
But I still shivers in springtime.
For YOU .YOU swallowed my hopes.,
YOU shattered my dreams..,
Cold and hard YOU seemed..,
YOU made me cry,
But couldn't you even once made a try??.
Try to understand me, to trust me..,
But what happened .tell me .wake me.,
YOU used to,
Just like a rose was the friendship of ours,
So rich ,so rare,
What 'bout those forever bond that we once shared.,
'Forever' 'coos those bonds were 'true to the heart'
and 'pure to the soul'.
Uh! But silly old me.,
How could I ever forget that even roses have thorns,
But STILL, our hearts were open ..,
By love ,by truth ,by trust,
I thought you knew the value of friendship, value of
love ,
It's rareness, it's pureness .,
It's 'once in a lifetime' uniqueness.,
But YOU ..
YOU tore my heart,
YOU entrapped me in the shackles of loneliness,
Pushed me in the darkness of despair,
And then you left ,
As if nothing happened ,
As if I wasn't there.
WHY? BUT WHY? My heart screams,
Why the silence of our friendship suddenly became
defining to you ,
The darkness of our love became blinding to you,
But wasn't ours a true friendship, at least I thought
I believed our friendship ,
they believed our friendship..,
For I thought it wasn't a relationship based on lust
but on trust.,
But you broke my trust.,
You pierced my heart .Stabbed my back
I always believed.
Ours was the love where friendship came first.
But you played a game with me,
Of which I didn't know any rules.,
The harder I fought , The more I broke..,
YOU broke and I felt, the pain the despair,
I was lying in the darkness ,devoid of any light,
And for me, *sigh* peace of mind was really very hard
to find,
No matter what I did I felt the pain.,
Even those untouched memories seem to haunt me.,
I reached for ur hands 'cos I needed you .,
I needed you 'cos I loved you.,
But you snatched your hands away,
Leaving me to crumble and fade.,
YOU were never there.
It was just not fair., I needed you there,
For I was there when you needed me.,
Like a shadow I was with you.
To walk across the desert or to swim across the sea.
To walk through the darkness of cold wintry nights.,
Always giving you a shoulder to lean upon.,
I told you that it was okay to cry,
And look at the irony you did try.,
OH yes ..you did try.,
YOU made me cry..,
I cried. I cried like a newborn child.,
But still it didn't effect you.,
YOU still showed no signs..,
Signs that you once even cared.,
Instead you just carried on like I wasn't there.
IT was then I decided I'm not going to cry..,
I am not going to shed my tears,
'COS I just have had my share..,
'Cos I have just give in to the dead words like
friendship and love.
THEN the time spinned it's wheel.,
YOU came back to me.,
YOU said you needed me.,
And for that you pleaded me.,
YOU asked me to stop, "I'm sorry" I said, "But it's too
It's time for me to move on,
'Coos you are just not worth a wait,
I have put up my shield.,
I am tired of being used..,
It'll not happen to any more
I'm sorry my friend but now I close the door."
NO more tug-of-war for me..,
For my fighting days are over,
And my war has begun.,
I'll have to live each day for myself..,
Bading goodbye to darkness,
I know I have to come out of this darkness.
Saying farewells to the chains that used to bind me.,
I REMEMBER somebody once asked me, "What's the worst
thing that one can ever do to anyone?".
I was silent .for I didn't know the answer.,
But now I do.
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