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Poetry of Life Poet Monique Rothstein
Second Place winner in Poetry of Life's Poetry Contest

2nd place poem titled "Living in the Moment" 

2nd place poem 
"Living in the Moment

Living in the moment

Wherever you are now, In this mass of confusion called life... Just breathe...

Jump in puddles (even in your $200 shoes) because you grow out of shoes, you don't grow out of memories.

Tell those you love how you feel (even if it's embarrassing) because a life of regret is harder to live with than an instant of rejection.

Have strong beliefs (even if your ideas are radical) because conformity is downright boring, and if you find that you have matched their philosophies, it's time to reform.

Think deeply about books, and people, and world issues But do not become over analytical Because analysis destroys wholes. Some things, beautiful things are meant to stay complete.

Never let a moment pass you by (even if it is an absurd, frightening feeling). Envelope precious moments with your entire being, and with an open mind. And heart. And wide open eyes. Take a photograph in your mind, because when you're old it will be nice to have a scrapbook of memories.

Embrace life.

If you begin to find that you are becoming a slave to your surroundings in this noisy confusion called life, break out of the walls that you have built with society's limitations...

...And just breath...

By Monique Rothstein

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